Hello Loyal Legionnaires....again sorry for the flagrant lack of posts here, but I have been really busy lately and will give the low down on most projects in a minute.
But first the reason for this post's title. My future is something that is rushing headlong towards me, and I will have to deal with it sooner than later. I for one have always hated working for other people, but I was always scared to strike out on my own.....doubting my talent and everything else. When i had a family there was almost no way to strike out on your own, too many responsibilities and all of keeping everyone feed, clothed, and all the things that go with living.
But now i am coming rapidly up on the age of 'early' retirement. To early retire, or not to early retire, that is the question!!! First of all i vowed to myself that i would never be one of those people i had seen in my childhood years that gave all to his company or job, and had no life outside of it. I have seen people like that work at a job until they dropped dead, or worked until forced to retire and had nothing to do, or didn't know what to do when left alone to themselves. Oh sure i had a strong work ethic and all that, and did my jobs, and even over and above most of the time, but i always wanted to do my own thing and just couldn't wait to get done with the day so i could at least think about what i wanted to do.
Anyway that all leads me to me being very busy lately.
I have a few projects in the works, and have actually over reached in that department. But you can never count on all projects going forward. But with some of these projects, it just might bring in a bit of money to help me reach that 'early' retirement status. I hope.
So the list goes like this.....
A famous jungle project that might happen.....
A famous planetary romance that might happen....
An famous aviation strip that might happen....
A pitch to a comics company for a rocket powered person you might know.....
and.....to go along with all that......
i am lettering the Halloween Legion graphic novel written by Martin Powell that will appear later this year, hopefully from Sequential Pulp/Dark Horse.....
i am working on a tee shirt design for a hot musical group out of Texas.....
Also have some projects floating around the edges like:
Monster Men by Edgar Rice Burroughs adaption......
and above all CAPTAIN SPECTRE!!!! which is the point of retiring early!!!!!! So i can work on Captain Spectre!!!!
So here are some pieces to fuel your imaginations!!!! enjoy Legionnaires!!!!
Step-by-Step of the Underdrawing
*The Artist's Guide to Sketching* isn't really a "how-to" book, but we do
have a chapter with a with a step-by-step sequence explaining how to
achieve ac...
4 hours ago