Hello out there Loyal Legionnaires..... if anyone is left?
I have no excuses for missing postings, i always seem to have something else going. And again mainly it has been my health. My doctor i have had for close to a decade retired, so i had to go thru the process for finding a new one. With a lot of my affections that is somewhat of a chore. On top of that i had to have some surgery, minor but the recovery process has been a long one. Other than that i am still trying to hold down my day job, and produce a page for Carson of Venus each week, skipping every fourth week as a rest period.
This is a sample, actually the 84th page in the series, getting close to the end of the Burroughs book Lost on Venus.
So once again i apologize for not updating. I know you are tired of hearing that. But once again Captain Spectre isn't dead until i am...... and i am far from it, i hope..........
thanks to you, Loyal Legionnaires!!!!!
Sarge Steel - File 107!
*Sarge Steel* #7 is dated January 1966. Once again Pat Masulli's creator
credit is shown. The script is by reliable Joe Gill with lettering again by
Jon ...
2 hours ago