The results are in from the what kind of story you would want Captain Spectre to star in, and that you would want to read. I want to thank everyone who visit the site and voted. It means alot to me as a creator to try and bring the kind of stories to you people who want to read stories in the genre that Captain Spectre and his crew inhabit.
The winner is a good old fashioned good vs. evil action yarn with 52 percent of the votes.
So since I try to listen to you Loyal Legionnaires, that is what the very first print issue of Captain Spectre will be.
But fear not all you other Loyal Legionnaires who voted. I will produce, in time, the other two stories that you voted on.
So not to give anything away, Issue 2 of Captain Spectre will be a thrill-packed World War 2 adventure. Then Issue 3 will be a strange sword and planet adventure, in the vein of Almuric, or John Carter of Mars.
I must say those are great results for the first three issues of the printed adventures of Captain Spectre.
Now as they say all I have to do is write them, draw, ink, color, letter, and print them. So as the on line strip ends Chapter 4, I will pour my heart and soul into the first issue.
Again thanks to all the Loyal Legionnaires out there who spoke with their vote. It's all for you.