As promised a bit more progress. This time the 'up a tree' scene, as Kigor trys to save his pygmy friend from the Irwin Allen lizard. It still needs alot of work, but honestly it has been a long weekend. I started at six this morning on this and it is now about 9:5o here. So the eyes are starting to blur and not focus. But as promised more progress. I also have to add more rain effects. and push and pull some of the shapes into foreground and back ground. But it will be finished soon. then on to the next piece. Enjoy....Legionnaires.
ReplyDeleteWow! For some reason this seems very three dimensional to me. It looks like the little guy is about to climb up past me and the lizard is coming right at me. Very cool.
ReplyDeleteAwesome job Tom. There is indeed an excellent sense of looking down conveyed. Nice birds eye.
ReplyDeleteFantastic! That scene has so much thrills and chills in it.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much guys....means alot to me that I can please you. thanks.