Well seems the word is starting to leak out, that yours truly has been invited to be the Guest of Honor at the Burroughs Dum-Dum next August in Chicago! The Muckers, a special group inside the Burroughs Bibliophiles have invited me to design and paint the cover of a new edition of the Mucker by Edgar Rice Burroughs, the father of American Adventure fiction. This is a very special honor for me. I was invited once before but had a prior commitment and couldn't make it. As of course you all know the Dum-Dum name comes from the Tarzan books, it was the council of apes - the heads of the tribe. The Burroughs Society has adopted the name for their annual gathering. It is a great time to be had by all for all Burroughs fans. So if you are around Chicago next August plan to stop in. I will post more as I know it, and also progress on the design. Thanks to the Muckers!