The road in front of the house is covered with about three to four feet of snow and they haven't plowed it yet. I am sure this road is about last on the list of roads to get too. I may not be out of here until after new years!
Some areas of the yard are almost bare, while some places have five foot drifts. All due to the amount of wind. It was amazing. We were in a blizzard warning for two days. Amazing for sure. Most of the state hiways around here are closed or down to a snails pace as only one lane is open.
But today, the horses got a new bail of hay, Chopper got too much exercise out in the freezing weather, as did I.
So it is good and bad at the same time, this two sided coin. Thank the gods the power hasn't gone off, because I couldn't get out of here to a warm place if it did.
So if I ever wish for a white christmas again, someone remind me of this one.