Friday, December 23, 2011

Happy Holidays to one and all.

To all the loyal Legionnaires in the world, have a Happy Holiday as we go towards the new year from me and the gang at Lightning Legion Headquarters.

I know it has been awhile again between updates, and I apologize yet once again for that. I am working on a couple of pieces, and finally felt well enough to throw this holiday greeting together, mainly hoping to get me into the holiday spirit. I don't have much holiday spirit from year to year. It is something I lost along time ago and never found it again. And I do apologize for that too. The day job is shutdown for awhile over the holidays, and I hope to get some work of my own done. That does include some things around the house, but mainly some serious drawing. So look for some things to pop up here soon. I hope.

I do wish all the loyal Legionnaires and their families a very Merry Christmas and a good New Year. I hope this message finds you all well and it carries over into the new year. May this New Year be a better year than the past one. And thank you all for looking in from time to time and hopefully enjoying Captain Spectre and the other projects I try to be a part of.

Thanks to each of you, you are what drives me to do the work, and I thank you.



  1. Thanks, Tom! You haven't lost the spirit, you just misplaced it, just look a little harder. I know you still got it.

    I hope the new year is better, for all of us, we need a break from the bad stuff. Here's hoping to see more great art from you!

    Take care, my friend!

    Lloyd, Loyal Legionnaire

  2. Wow I just found your blog! Awesome PULP work!
