Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day 2010

Well I couldn't let this day or weekend go by without saying something. Even with the crazy busy schedule around here lately. It seems the cosmic cogs of creation and working and doing all the mundane tasks a bachelor has to do if they are going to get done have not fallen into place. In other words I just can't seem to get anything done around here! I am sure everyone that has a job they don't like and wish they were doing something else feels. And I am sure we have all been there.
So hopefully this day off, for most people, will help get us back into the swing of things. Of course today for me will be filled with those mundane tasks of laundry, cleaning, some cooking, and all the things I tend to neglect as a bachelor, or actual more like a one man band. And let us hope the creative juices come back real soon.
So here is to all the fallen, those that have served, those that are willing to serve, and those that will have to serve. Because in this crazy world we need you now more than ever.

And as always thanks to all you Loyal Legionnaires for understanding.


  1. You'll never be a one-man band long as I draw breath, my friend. Happy Memorial Day.

  2. Who is that guy in the photo? LOL!
    Well said words, on Memorial Day!

    Words from a Pink Floyd song says it all,"Every year is getting shorter, never seem to find the time, plans that neither come to naught, or half a page of scribbled lines."

    Take care,my friend!

  3. Nice tribute Tom, I sat home after I'd moved to Tyler, the house still in shambles with boxes everywhere (and still are to some degree), and no cable or such, but could pickup Flyboys on my antennae and converter box. Pretty neat WWI film if you haven't seen it. They'd put flags down here at one of the cemeteries where some of the vets are buried (including my Dad and uncles who had served in WWII).
