Happy New Year, everyone....and especially Loyal Legionnaires out there in Internet land.
At a time when people have traditions, and make new year resolutions I thought maybe I would come clean about a few I have. Not resolutions, because I never make those. I used too but something always got in the way and they never worked out. So started feeling what is the point. I really only ever wanted to do one thing in the world, even as a kid, and that was to make comics. Or maybe better stated to earn my living off of making comics. Well no matter how hard you try sometimes wishes don't work out. But, that shouldn't stop a fella from trying. So rather than resolutions I tried traditions. I have a few that I have developed over the decades.
One is to be at my drawing board working when midnight strikes. Another is to watch King Kong, and King of the Rocketmen on new years day, while I work. Sounds simple right? Well this year they were. Most people I know don't understand my passion for working on comics and such. But, it is me...it is what I am, what I do, and what I want to do.
My mom used to have a couple of traditions. One she adopted when we moved to Texas when I was a kid......black eyed peas, yuck. She would always fix them for new years, said we would have luck. Well black eyed peas is not one of my favorite bean creatures, so I guess why I never had much luck, other than Floyd luck - which in not a good thing sometimes.
So Loyal Legionnaires whatever your traditions are, I do wish all a Happy New Year!
Also an interesting note is I am finally pulling out of my creative funk, depression, whatever you wish to call it. I am moving toward the end of Chapter Four of the strip. Working on the stand alone story, the writing so far. Since I am not really a writer, I find this process the hardest next to finding the time to do all the other work. I am also beginning to design things for the Moonstone KiGor story. Which I just received from Martin Powell, the writer. So things are cooking and brewing around here, and moving. The Secret Headquarters of the Lightning Legion is up and running again....a bit slow but running.
Now off to cook some food for the day....work at the drawing board....watch Kong....and enjoy the entire serial - King of the Rocketmen!!!
Have a great new year all!!!!!!!!