With the sound of a crabapple tree traveling all the way across the yard and hitting the corner of the house, I awoke! I didn't even know a storm was in the offing. It hit about 4 o'clock this morning. But all is safe at Lightning Legion Secret HQ.
Creator, Artist, Writer of the On-Line comic strip CAPTAIN SPECTRE. Also a fan of all things pulp, serials, old comic books, Roy Rogers movies, Universal Horror movies, 50's monster movies, Robert E. Howard, Lovecraft, Edgar Rice Burroughs, great illustrators, and especially King Kong (the real one).
Captain Spectre and the Lightning Legion, and Action Science Adventures Magazine is copyrighted 2007.
All original artwork and characters pertaining to the Captain Spectre comic copyright Tom Floyd as created. All other art or images copyright by their creators.
Please ask if you want to repost or use any of my art.
Sweetheart Diary - Nurses In Love!
*Cynthia Doyle, Nurse in Love* featured some utterly fantastic covers by
the late great Dick Giordano. The debut cover above is gorgeous.
This Charlton...
Daedric Dagger
This excellent recreation of the daedric dagger from Skyrim comes to us
from Metal Made Crafts. 3D printed in resin and then hand painted.
Secrets of Sinister House #13 - Alex Nino art
Secrets of Sinister House #13 Secrets of Sinister House v1 #13, 1973 - In Alex
Nino's final contribution to the series, a vampire survives an atomic war
Two Key Drawings of Maleficent
Maleficent locks the door to the dungeon cel in which she holds Prince
Philip prisoner. Here are the two main rough key drawings by Marc Davis
that de...
15mm Cyberpunk Drones and more
I’ve finished an arial drone piece for my 15mm Cyberpunk set.
A drone jockey pilots his Raptor Class drone
Commercial with military upgrades
Oh, don't you love those rotting cellulose fibers?A series of drawings
depicting the Administrator of Yesterday's Papers researching graphic
treasures and...
In the 1980s, there were two comic strips about the White House. One was
well written, the other was well drawn.
Doonesbury was brilliant, witty satir...
Sketch Carpet
Nathalia says: "I wish you could have captured a quick, cheap digital image
of all of the drawing you made and SOLD. Just to have a record. Ya know?"
"The thing called Mop-Head was not an animal or plant or rock, although, by
now it was a little of each. It had no definite body, and it longed f...
Thinking About God
Evan Hanson and I have talked for a couple of years about producing a
feature on *After Lunch *where we talk about the intersection of religion,
Joseph Manuel Rivera, 1953-2024
I keep trying to make this not about me. But it's just not possible.
I'm in Daytona Beach in my childhood home. When I open the top drawer of
his steel...
All good things....
*....must come to an end. *
Illustrated 007 started in 2008 and I had great fun with it. Although the
rare artwork pops up once in while, I have posted a ...
Clutch Cargo-1961
I read JACK AND JILL as a kid but not 'til 1965. I watched Clutch Cargo as
a kid but not 'til also around that same time. So I missed his 1961 comic
Dark Hold Kobold Cavalry Kickstarter!
*We are Live! *
We are very excited to announce our Newest 28mm Scale Dark Hold Kobold
Cavalry Kickstarter!
The Kobold Cavalry set is a pack of 10 pewter...
The Art of Frozen 2
I thought The Art of Frozen 2 would have been lean on character design
since the first movie had already solidified the look of the main
characters an...
Steve Canyon Returns...Again!
This morning, Tuesday November 12th at 4am eastern time (1am pacific),
Steve Canyon returned to DECADES Television for it's third complete modern
rerun on...
Flip-flopping Legionnaires?
How and why so many of my peers remained "so" invested in reading comics
books as we aged is a mystery that defies explanation? Don't get me wrong,
I stuck...
An Interview with Paul Krassner - Part Seven
*Kliph Nesteroff: You appeared on The Merv Griffin Show high on mescaline.
The episode also featured comedian Jackie Vernon.*
*Paul Krassner: Oh, yes. I...
Williamson, Frazetta & Krenkel: The One Who Waits
"The One Who Waits" originally appeared in the E.C. comic *Weird Science*
#19, (may-June 1953). It is an adaptation of a Ray Bradbury. The art is by
Al Wi...
The Batman Effect
In January of 1966, the Batman TV show debuted and it seemed like the whole
country went Bat-mad. Perhaps in an effort to make clear the other comics
Captain A, and Friendship
I know, it's been a while. Heck, I even forgot how Blogger works it's
been so long. This is just a short message to update this dusty old blog,
and sh...
The Mummy (Polar Lights)
*Built 9/8/2018 Painted 10/21/2018*
This is a Polar Light repop of the classic Aurora kit, which I bought back
around 2000.
My first classic Aurora mons...
Proton issue #1 now available!
*Update: Messenger #23 and Proton #1 are now out of print. They have been
reprinted together in a single issue, "Proton Part 1."*
Hey folks, I received c...
Alimente care te ajuta sa slabesti
Fiecare dintre noi isi doreste un corp de invidiat. Pentru a obtine un
astfel de corp, va trebui sa va alegeti cu grija alimentele pe care le
consumati s...
Mary Shelley’s *Frankenstein; or, the Modern **Prometheus* was first
published on January 1, 1818.
200 years ago.
On, now, to Frankenstein’s third cent...
Hanna Barbera Title Cards
So I’ve decided to start posting on this blog again, at least
semi-regularly for now. I’m going to start up again by sharing screenshots
of some great titl...
Covers for Sale!
The original art for these covers (and more!) will go for sale tomorrow,
June 28th at 11 am central in my store.
(Apologies to my international friends - w...
Asheville Comic Con After Action Report
It was a blast! That is all….
No, not all. I wish I could post more pictures of the awesome cos-plays,
and the general crowd. I was just too busy at my o...
Jual Perlengkapan Hidroponik
Semakin sempitnya lahan (terutama pertanian) karena peralihan untuk
menjadikannya areal perumahan atau pun bangunan gedung, membuat resah para
pecinta bot...
REX MORGAN 10-10-16 to 11-26-16
I've been lax, once again, in posting my REX MORGAN strips here on my blog.
What can I say? I'm a busy guy. Anyhow -- we'll catch up in this post.
I've no...
Some Shameless Self Promotion
Sometimes people ask me if I'll ever write a book about storyboarding. I
would never want to do that...I enjoy sharing what little I know for free,
and I'v...
Are you out there?
Hi gang!
I'm considering a commitment to frequent posting again.
If you're interested - please comment. I love your feedback and much as I
love hand draw...
Savage Tale - Seven Tigers
Art - Mike Fyles
*July 17, 1934*
The first tiger surprised Helene Vaughn. The young aviatrix was trying on
outfits in a small dressi...
Palaeoblog Now At Facebook.com/Palaeoblog
After 12 years of blogging here, I've migrated the Palaeoblog over to
Facebook at http://www.Facebook.com/Palaeoblog. This blog will remain here
as an ar...
The Nut Job 2 (2016)
Full Length of The Nut Job 2 in Top QualityNow you can see The Nut Job 2 in
best look with duration 120 Min and was released on 2016-01-14 with MPAA
Local Comic Shop Day is Nov 28
*Local Comic Shop Day™*
is Saturday November 28, 2015
Local Comic Shop Day™ is a new event conceived, implemented and sponsored
by ComicsPRO comic book s...
Signing at Reel Art
New art, new prints, and original art at the upcoming Reel Art Artists Day.
Once again, I am very excited to sit among great artists for one day only
in Be...
The More The Merrier - 1943
Joel McCrea and Charles Coburn enjoy the latest installment of *Dick Tracy*
while Jean Arthur sunbathes in George Stevens' 1943 WWII romantic comedy *The
Golden Needles 1974
Scanned from my copy of the New York Daily News, dated August 9, 1974,
comes this full-page ad for "Golden Needles." The headline of the paper was
"Nixon ...
Brief update
Just looked in on the blog. A quarter-million hits. Who would have
Technology moves fast.
I recall agonizing over learning to blog. Now if you...
Sometimes the best way to improve your writing is to work with another,
more talented writer, on a project. More details will follow as things
Pulp Fans From Afar
As an editor at the *Pulp Magazines Project*, one of my primary duties is
to read and answer many of the emails and correspondences we receive, and
let m...
Owning the Vintage Military Look
Surplus military clothing has always been a go-to option for many people
within the last century; whether for rugged outdoor activities or ironic
anti-war ...
Josette Frank: Alone Against the Storm, Part 5
On April 27, 1953, the U.S. Senate established the Senate Special
Subcommittee on Juvenile Delinquency. Partly in response to public concern
and partl...
Back online again... kinda...
Ok, so after quite some time offline, I've managed to get back on. Not
quite in the same capacity as before however. I've an Android pad. Sure,
back online...
~~ FRANKENSTEIN ~~ The Creature Auction
Hey guys,
As some of you might know, my dear friend *Steve Niles* and his partner *Monica
Richards* have suffered some devastating damage to their house...
Stardoll 1: Secrets & Dreams
*Hello, Dolly!*
The first ever *Stardoll* graphic novel is on sale today. Available
physically and electronically.
If you don’t know, Stardoll is, accord...
From Russia... with THE SHADOW!
Hello, Pulp Friends,
here’s a look at the latest SHADOW cover. Really enjoyed the Russian theme
- it allowed me to play a bit more on the graphic desig...
The Dead Sheriff Finally Rides Into Town
The Kindle version was released today. Other formats will follow, with a
trade paperback later this year, for those who like to hold a real book
while y...
Died: SF Author -- Legend! -- Harry Harrison
I was sad to recently learn that Harry Harrison passed away. According to
his official web site, he was 87 years old.
Harrison remains one of my favorite a...
We've Moved!
*SPROUSENET and all its related pages (including the art sales site,
SPROUSENET ART EMPORIUM) have taken up residence at Wordpress. We'll no
longer be upd...
New blog and website
Just letting everyone know that I've launched a new home page (and blog)
over at my website:
Great guns, it's Goyle!
Well the Kickstarter campaign is going great so far! Just 29 days to go and
a little over $800 to go to goal. I'm hoping I can surpass goal by quite a
Sea Hunt
Last fall a friend mentioned he'd been watching Sea Hunt on hulu. I was a
fan of the old show back in the stone age of TV so I started watching them
too. T...
Micron Pen Drawings
Find a quiet room, relax, let go, enter a dreamlike state, nothing matters.
Close your eyes and look inside your mind, see the demons and the sprites
King of the Khyber Rifles, part 10
This story was written by Talbot Mundy
This part is called, 10 - Chapter X
Read by Brett W. Downey
Download the show
The blog is dead, long live the blog
So my new blog went online here this morning.
I decided about a month ago to close Pimpernel's Blog.
I have a bunch of reasons... some of which i talk abo...
Athena Voltaire and Al Williamson
I have some other cool artwork pertaining to Athena Voltaire week at Comic
Twart, but I'll link to that tomorrow. Today's entry is devoted to Al
We've got a new site at WWW.MERCURYSERIES.COM!
When you visit you won't notice too drastic a design change, but the site
has actually been entirely rebuilt...
A 30 page backup feature spanning across issues 1-3 of the BLACK COBRA.
Written by Jason Latino and Illustrated by Mitch Gerads with inks by Mark
PENCIL TESTS - Animators
Disney's Nine Old Men *, Disney's New Men & Others
Arthur Babbitt
* Dale Baer *
Tony & Tom Bancroft
James Baxter
* Rune Brandt Bennicke*
I bet the weather man didn't know it was coming either. I am glad the Secret Headquarters came out of the storm OK.
ReplyDeleteThank goodness the HQ was spared, pal.
ReplyDeleteThe good Captain's experimental protective forcefield seems to be a success.